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Background Information about Economy of Communion
At unset, the Economy of Communion is « born » in Brazil in 1991 by Chiara Lubich. It simultaneously developed in many countries and today, brings together close to 800 businesses worldwide. It involves entrepreneurs, employees, managers, consumers, citizens, students, and economic agents, all of whom are committed at various levels to promoting an economic culture characterized by communion.
EoC Pan-African was launched in 2011 at Mariapolis Piero, Kenya, and since then, we are grateful to God that several initiatives have been achieved, but certainly not without challenges. EoC enterprises emerged, EoC research and thesis’s have been carried out by scholars, young people joined and EoC Incubators started.
Background Information about Economy of Communion
When Chiara Lubich launched the Economy of Communion in 1991, animated also by the African economic Anthropology, thanks to which several elements of sharing allow the creation of a strong social integrated and harmonious community; the first people touched, (the greater majority close to the Focolare Movement " a movement of spiritual and social renewal, founded in Trent, Italy, in 1943, by Chiara Lubich. It aims at spreading the message of unity worldwide. Inspired by Jesus’ prayer to the Father, “May they all be one” (Jn 17:21), its goal is to promote brotherhood and to achieve a more united world in which people respect and value diversity.) Today, we distinguish close to 60 initiatives in Africa, in countries like, Cameroun, Congo, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Angola, Nigeria and some of them are taking part in the congress.

Coming together for a Congress of African EoC world.

- Strengthen the link between EoC Entrepreneurs.
-Share the experiences of few Entrepreneurs present in Africa.
-Focus on the youths

-Make a common strategy for the next coming years
-Work on the template “EoC report of the year” on the basis of the model that is sent by the international commission.

Some steps
1991 Chiara Lubich launches a call for business creation in response to the needs of the poor in Brazil.
- 1999 Address to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on the theme: Between marketing and integrated society, towards which socially responsible economy?
- 2008 Symposium at UNESCO: From micro credit to Economy of Communion, values for an economy
- 2011 International Congress at Soa Paulo;
- 2011 First Panafrican Congress of EoC in Nairobi kenya
- 2015 International Congress "Let's say yes to an economy of communion" which took place in Nairobi, Kenya, in collaboration with the Catholic University of East Africa
- 2022 Second Panafrican Congress of EoC in Nairobi kenya
- …….Among others
After the first gathering of EoC African entrepreneurs in 2011, the time has come for all goodwilling entrepreneurs and sympathizers of EoC in Africa or doing business with Africa, to come together for more common strategies to be implemented and experiences shared among one another, and with those in other continents.